
Arkadij Gutnikov - housle, Janáčkova filharmonie Ostrava, dir. Marco Parisotto // Dvě významné skladby německého romantismu v podání vynikajícího mladého ruského houslisty a...

Ivan Séquardt - hoboj Arkadi Gutnikov - housle Moravskou filharmonii Olomouc řídí Marco

Zdeněk Divoký - lesní roh, Český komorní orchestr, dir. O. Kukal // Čtyři koncerty (z celkového počtu 14) pro lesní roh českého skadatele Antonia Rosettiho (současníka W. A....

Jiří Šedivý, Zdeněk Šedivý - trubky, Aleš Bárta - varhany, Olomoucký komorní orchestr, dir. Libor Mathauser // Pestrý výběr skladeb barokních mistrů (A. Vivaldi, G. F....

Lenka Baarova - flétna; Jan Niederle - klavír; The Baarova Orchestra, dir. Jan NiederleProfilové album mladé talentované flétnistky L. Baarové obsahuje následující skladby:...

Frank Peter Zimmermann, Radoslaw Szulc, Kammerorchester des Sinfonieorchesters des Bayerischen Rundfunks Today when Frank Peter Zimmermann says that Mozart has always been easy...

The Finnish string quartet Meta4 has now achieved international recognition and regularly plays on the great stages of the world. In their new album, featuring the first and...

Michael Rische - piano, Rainer Maria Klaas - piano 2, Kammersymphonie Leipzig (Hans-Werner Mehling) The previous two CDs from pianist Michael Rische of the Piano Concertos...

Florian Uhlig - piano, Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra - Lukacz Borowicz Only recently has Krzysztof Penderecki turned to the piano as a solo instrument. The first sketches...

Thoughout Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's works for the piano, one cannot help but appreciate his craftsmanship, his complete mastery of composition and his daring and joyful...

Michael Rische - piano , Leipziger Kammerorchester conducted byMorten Schuldt-Jensen C. P. E. Bach's piano concertos are eloquent testimonies of the musical "Sturm and Drang"....

WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln, conductsPietari Inkinen Following his extraordinary, critically acclaimed recording of concertos by Martinu, Hindemith, and Honegger, the...

piano - Jenny Lin, zpěv - Lucia Duchoňová, housle - Rachel Barton Pine March 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Xavier Montsalvatge, one of the most important...

Michael Rische - piano, Leipziger Kammerorchester conducts Morten Schuldt-Jensen The music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was highly esteemed by his contemporaries. Haydn, Mozart...

Sulamit Haecki - violin, Sylvie Dambrine - flute, Ensemble La Partita In this sixth release in the "Premium Composers" series, we meet the master of the Baroque Concerto, the...

Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, conductsSir Neville Marriner No composer better expressed the grandeur and pomp of the High Baroque than Georg Friedrich Händel. A true...

Haiou Zhang je původem z Číny. Studoval na centrální konzervatoři v Pekingu. Po ukončení studií odcestoval do Německa, kde pokračoval ve studiích na vysoké škole pro hudbu a...

CD0101 Feuerwerkmusik - Ouverture (Allegro, Lentement, Allegro) 02 Feuerwerkmusik -

With exception of Beethoven, there was probably no greater composer for the piano in the Germanic tradition than Franz Schubert. The expressive scope and mastery of form is...

With exception of Beethoven, there was probably no greater composer for the piano in the Germanic tradition than Franz Schubert.Its expression strength is undisputed, both in...