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Clarinet Mosaique - Rossini: Introdukce, téma a variace; Gaubert: Fantazie; Kalivoda: Morceau de Salon; Ravel: Piece en forme de Habanera; Debussy: Rapsodie č. 1; Martinů:...

Pátý „duchovní příběh na křižovatce folku, rocku a blues“. Podobně jako předchozí album Marah přináší i NOCÍ MOŘEM převážně skladby opatřené hudbou a filozofujícími texty...

Alexander Paley, who was born in Moldavia in 1956, brings to Chopin a calm and even-tempered approach. Although these are certainly virtuoso showpieces, Paley does not use this...

CD0101 Sinfonia E Minor / e-Moll BWV 402 Sinfonia B Minor / h-Moll BWV 150 03 Sinfonia C Major / C-Dur BWV 19604 Sinfonia A Minor / a-Moll BWV

Timur Sergeyenia was born in Minsk, Belarus, in 1969. His musical education began when he was three years old at a special school for talented children at the National...

Mozart had been an outstanding exponent of both the violin and the keyboard ever since childhood, and he extended the limits of the collaboration between the two instruments by...

This disc features a program of arias and selected choruses for the Passiontide and Easter season, drawn from the international award winning “Edition Bachakademie”. These are...

When Mozart died, he was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave. Had he lived, he might well have regained the commercial success and public acclaim he enjoyed in the early 1780s,...

Maestro Helmuth Rilling presents a program of sweeping German Romanticism - inspired by the works of Goethe and represented by the immortal “Altro Rhapsody” of Brahms,...

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s youthful opera "The Uncle from Boston" was presented with great success for the first time 180 years since its composition at the New...

"... Another virtuoso is the saxophonist Koryun Asatryan. This young Armenien must have been born with his instrument. Crowds went wild at his tempestuous technique with the...

"Michael Gielen's reading of Four Pieces for Orchestra is notably different from those of Pierre Boulez, Leon Botstein, and David Robertson. Whereas they emphasize the beauties...

01 6 Moments Musicauy op. 16 für Soloklavier Moment Musical No. 1 B-Moll - Andantino02 6 Moments Musicauy op. 16 für Soloklavier Moment Musical No. 2 Es-Moll - Allegretto 03 6...

Hänssler Classic is proud to announce the latest volume in a major new Beethoven Sonata cycle, performed by Gerhard Oppitz. Throughout his distinguished career, Oppitz has...

Hänssler Classic is proud to announce the latest volume in a major new Beethoven Sonata cycle, performed by Gerhard Oppitz. Throughout his distinguished career, Oppitz has...

Hänssler Classic is proud to announce the latest volume in a major new Beethoven Sonata cycle, performed by Gerhard Oppitz. Throughout his distinguished career, Oppitz has...

01 Sinfonie No. 2 B-Dur, op. 52 Lobgesang - Coro: Die Nacht ist vergangen02 Sinfonie No. 2 B-Dur, op. 52 Lobgesang - Tenore (Solo): Stricke des Todes hatten uns umfangen 03...

Víc než nevím kolikáté album gospelové legendy (nar. 1942). Andraé začal koncertovat už v šedesátých letech se svou skupinou The Disciples, má na svém kontě 9 ocenění Grammy a v...

Debutové album tohoto objevu z Mississippy připomíná svou energií třeba skupinu Franz Ferdinand a zvukově je na něm znát odkaz disko hudby z počátku osmdesátých let, přičemž...