
Pražské trio basetových rohů (Petr Sinkule, Zdeněk Tesař, Miroslav Plechatý) // Unikátní nahrávka ojedinělého souboru - tria basetových rohů (= altový typ klarinetu). Album...

Petr Paulů - kytara // Drobnější poslechové skladby v podání kytaristy Petra Paulů. Příjemná „náladová" hudba. Petr Paulů - profesor pražské konzervatoře a pedagog na...

Jiří Šedivý, Zdeněk Šedivý - trubky, Aleš Bárta - varhany, Olomoucký komorní orchestr, dir. Libor Mathauser // Pestrý výběr skladeb barokních mistrů (A. Vivaldi, G. F....

In the years since the acclaimed recordings made by the Hungarian pianist Zoltán Kocsis back in the 1980s and 90s, no single pianist has attempted to record a complete edition...

Thoughout Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's works for the piano, one cannot help but appreciate his craftsmanship, his complete mastery of composition and his daring and joyful...

Georg Christoph Bach, Heinrich Bach, Johann Christian Bach, Johann Christoph Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach, Johann Ernst Bach, Johann Ludwig Bach, Johann Michael Bach,...

It is a special experience to hear classical music performed in its entirety and not just the "most beautiful moments." The integral connection of the melodies and harmonies are...

CD0101 Feuerwerkmusik - Ouverture (Allegro, Lentement, Allegro) 02 Feuerwerkmusik -

The hymns of Martin Luther have inspired the hearts of the faithful for centuries. Luther himself said that the purpose of music was to 'entertain, educate and edify' - all...

The current CD follows upon the tremendous critical success of violinist Friedemann Eichhorn's first disc of the music of Astor Piazolla, Le Grand Tango (hänssler CD 93.205)....

Thomas Fey and his unique ensemble have selected a delightful program of popular overtures and selected rarities for your listening enjoyment. From the exotic Janissary music of...

Towards the end of the 16th century a musical development was in full swing, a development which moved away from strict contrapuntal textures to one dominated by a melody...

"... Another virtuoso is the saxophonist Koryun Asatryan. This young Armenien must have been born with his instrument. Crowds went wild at his tempestuous technique with the...

Učinkují: Leo Slezák - tenor, různé orchestry a dirigentiEdiční řada quot;Living Voicesquot; - Historické nahrávky legendárního pěvce z let 1907 až 1928 - digitálně...

Učinkují: Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - soprán, R. Glawitsch - tenor a další, Chor und Orchester des Deutschen Opernhaus Berlin + Philharmonia Orchestra Chorus London, dir. H. Otto,...

Robert Hill - Lute-harpsichord (loutnové cembalo),Clavichord Hardly a child has learned piano for the last two hundred years without in the course of her training encountering...

Lajos Lencsés - hoboj, Kammerorchester Arcata Stuttgart - dir. Patrick StrubSkladby pro hoboj a orchestr italských skladatelů v podání vynikajícího maďarského, dnes ve...

Interpret: Academy of St. Martin in the Fields - Sir N. Marriner, Mozart Festival Orchestra - M. Bertone, Philharmonic Orchestra London - A. Leonard, State Radio and...

Thomas Quasthoff - bas. Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach Collegium Stuttgart, Oregon Bach Festival Choir Orchestra, dir. Helmuth Rilling // Profilové album vynikajícího...